
100 kr


We at SveaLife are dedicated to creating peaceful, conscious, harmonious and non-violent civilization of love, cooperation and prosperity with the future for this planet Earth, our mother, our home.
We strive to set an example of sustainable living in Love and Light, we teach and preach, we heal and coach.

If you want to support our work and our way of being, if you want to donate because you have realized that you have to give in order to receive more or to heal yourself, your karma, your destiny, your life …or you want to gift us just because you like us

use (+) to increase by 100 SEK until you get the desired total amount.

You will get cool picture that you can embed in your web-page or in your social network feed or profile (JPEG format). Feel free to include our web page address
Like and share us, thank you!

You will be included in our prayers and blessings as well.
