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Mind & Body: 
Evaluating Life, Happiness and 
Feminine Manifestation of 'I'

For Women Only!


by Wahine Svea

Dear ladies,
this workshop is proven to enhance the quality of women's life.

Start your journey toward fulfilled living today!

Go through 6 stages, contemplate, explore, discover, re-connect...
find your answers and put an order in your emotional universe, brainstorm, have fun!

Discover what it takes for you to live your life truly in accordance with your free will!

This life is your experience and is happening right now.

Divine Feminine Remote page

Sample text. Click to select the Text Element.

For your self-inquiry we offer remote 
(e-correspondence) Divine Feminine workshop 
with Wahine Svea. 

There is no time frame, no schedule you need to follow.

With completing SoHam Stage 1 - Mind & Body you will be set to start meaningful and efficient processes of self-development.

"​If you don't set your goals and destinations,
if you don't steer (through) your life,
if you avoid validating your self, how and where you are,
if you don't adjust and improve yourself,

life will still continue to carry you,
things will still continue to just happen to you,
and you will still inevitably continue to change

...but you may end not liking
your experience, where you are, what happens to you, how you are, how you feel.

If you want to work on yourself, this evaluation I offer in my remote course is highly recommended.
With completing SoHam Stage 1 - Mind & Body you will be set to start meaningful and efficient processes of self-development."

Wahine Svea

Divine Feminine Remote workshop
Mind & Body: Evaluating Life, Happiness and Feminine Manifestation of 'I'
is created to be your deep and intimate self-inquiry
consisting of questions and photographing tasks (selfies).

The process is automated and intended for you to have your own process of self-inquiry.

I will not comment your answers, unless you ask me to do so (at the beginning or at any stage of your process).

Regarding photo-tasks:

You don't have to send me your photos, unless you want to.
However, I encourage you to share your work with me because it is very liberating and empowering.

If you want to develop closer relationship with me, friendly and intimate, if you intend to work with me as your guide, teacher or healer, you are welcome to demonstrate your openness and trust by sending me your selfies.

And, again,
I will not comment your selfies, unless you ask me to.

To complete this, you will take as much time as you want. There is no time frame, no schedule you need to follow. Simply, you will do this when you want, when you have time and you are in right mood to contemplate or to play a photographer of your body. It may happen that you finish your task in a day; it may happen that it will wait for more weeks. It is ok, do it in your own pace.
But, do it!

Read more and start your journey here: 

Divine Feminine Remote page

"End product of my Divine Feminine Remote workshop SoHam Stage 1 - Mind & Body: Evaluating Life, Happiness and Feminine Manifestation of 'I'
is your presentation of yourself, your 'I', to yourself:

"So... this is I."

At the same time, you may realize how you present your 'I' to others, how people you engage and interact with perceive you and what is that you communicate to them, to your surrounding.

In the process of facing yourself, presenting yourself to yourself, you may also became aware of your social situation, relationships, in regards of whether they contribute - or not - to fulfillment of your wishes and goals, sense of happiness and realization in life.

"This is how I look.
...and this is how I want (some) others to see me.
These are my wishes and goals, this is what makes me happy, this is what motivates me.
These are my fears and limitations, this is what I don't like and don't want, this is what I am doing wrong."

In rather superficial materialistic culture we are trained to focus on physical appearance, so your 'selfies' will draw a lot of your attention and will be first to provoke a lot of emotional respond.
And it is fascinating how challenging and hard my photography exercises are, both for women who put effort in their looks and for women who claim to be above it.

Now, there is a chance you will not really like your 'I', how you look or what you live. But this is actually required in order to initiate process of transformation.
Many women avoid and postpone photography exercises because they already have an idea of what they don't like about how they look. That's wrong.
It is of great importance to present current state of 'I' and manifestation of 'I' - mind that this is current state, it can be transformed - to become aware of how you are at the moment, face it, accept it, your current self. Only then it would be possible to actually start the process of your transformation, change, correction or improvement and navigate it according to your will - considering, of course, you don't approve what you see now and you want transformation.

This principle applies to other dimensions of your manifestation, if you don't steer (through) your life, if you avoid validating your self, how and where you are, if you don't set your goals and destinations,
life will continue to carry you, things will continue to just happen to you, 
you will inevitably continue to change,
but you may end not liking your experience, where you are, what happens to you, how you are, how you feel

If you want to work on yourself, this evaluation is highly recommended.
With completing SoHam Stage 1 - Mind & Body you will be set to start meaningful and efficient processes of self-development."

Divine Feminine Remote page

Sample text. Click to select the Text Element.

Divine Feminine Remote workshop for women by Wahine Svea 
© SveaLife 2021-2023.
SoHam Stage 1 - Mind & Body: Evaluating Life, Happiness and Feminine Manifestation of 'I'

This is a correspondence workshop, one-on-one with Wahine Svea.
Since it uses e-mail platform and has no time table, you can go through the workshop anytime and anywhere in your own pace.
The communication will be through e-mails. Make sure you give valid e-mail address at checkout.
Your privacy is of highest priority to us. The whole process is based on mutual trust.
Make sure you read and understand

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by Wahine Svea


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