Services - Online & Remote Sessions

Online classes, consultations & coaching (LIVE)
Distant Healing
NEW: Digital products for your individual work on yourself!

Whether you are open for this kind of work with us you can test by purchasing a 
single distant healing session 
(pick a day and time to receive, state your goal or wish) and 
observe your experience 
as well as results.


Remote healing works. Energetic field in aether (or akasha) - that we all participate in - connects us all, conducting energy and information.
This, by very nature of Life on this planet and in this Universe, allows us to exchange.
...which further allows us, healers, to send and deliver to you amount of energy and Light (that creates all life including your life in its pure, original and authentic divine form) so you, your existence, can purify, empower and heal, renew and improve.

In order to receive and absorb energy, Light and Love, to use and benefit from remote therapy, you need to calm down, stop mental and physical activities for ten-ish minutes (it is best to lie down and close your eyes, reserve at least 20 minutes for preparation, therapy itself and integration), open your mind and heart and gratefully, and with trust and faith, receive and allow healing.

You choose ​day (date) and time to receive healing (you will need to be still, preferably laying on your back or sitting, at least for 20 minutes).

State your desired state, goal or wish.  
Also a picture of you in a good, healthy, happy state can help us – send it to

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For healing acute and chronic conditions, support in recoveries (post-operation, post-chemotherapy etc.) or achieving in different areas in life (studies, business and career, love and relationship, pregnancy...) feel free to contact us for further instructions or longer-period arrangements.

What you can do yourself to get the most out of remote healing 
(and maybe even further boost its effectiveness):

- prior to your scheduled session do some yoga or similar physical exercises in order to stretch and promote flow of energy, breathing and circulation of blood, according to your abilities and knowledge. 20-45 minutes of walking may also help
- hydrate well; drink pure, preferably running water, avoid drinks
- ensure that you will be receiving treatment in your intimate space where you feel comfortable and safe (such as your bedroom) and can truly relax; space should preferably be well ventilated and warm; if you are playing music choose something acoustic and classical or some relaxing nature sounds (avoid rhythms, pop music and lyrics - except maybe for mantras or prayers)
- 5 minutes before your treatment lay down, on your back, arms straight, beside the body, palms open up, legs straight, slightly apart each other, head straight, close your eyes, breathe slowly through nose, relaxed, inhale deep into your belly, relax more with each exhale
- visualize and 'feel' desired outcome of your healing
- in your mind - or aloud, which is even better - state that you are ready and willing to be healed, transformed, renewed; that you are open to your healer and allow this to happen, with trust and confidence; that you respect your healer and that you are grateful
- your treatment itself will last around 10 minutes; stay still few more minutes or simply fall asleep - which is very common practice and most people schedule their remote healing for the late evening or even in the night when they're already sleeping
- when you decide to finish the session (so in total this should take around 20 minutes) or you wake up next morning: inhale deep and feel your whole body, stretch your arms and legs, your fingers and toes, gently rotate your head/neck left and right, with your heart and mind thank your healer for the healing done, thank the Creator/God for your life; be grateful and respectful
- as you continue with your life see that you implement spiritual practices such as prayers, mantras, pranayama and other techniques that may truly contribute to your purity and well-being, but also see that you are and you perform acts of gratitude and respect, generosity and kindness, serving and loving yourself, other humans and all living beings, life in general - regularly, frequently, more and more with each day

Kumu Obi:

"Yes, we can do some great things. However, remote healing can't truly replace healing procedure in retreat because what makes you sick is 
your toxic environment (physical, chemical, social, spiritual), 
what you consume and digest (food, sounds, visuals, thoughts), 
your activities (or lack of) and routine, as well as 
topics that your mind is dealing with and is focusing on.

In order to heal one should change the surrounding, company, food, sound and visual vibrations, activities, topics, routine and habits.
Therefore a retreat (communication/exchange with spiritual and well-intended people, proper and healthy energetic work and routine, combined with Soulwork) is what you may seek for in order to heal acute and chronic issues, overall physical, mental and spiritual health (consequently also social, financial etc.), change how you are, who and what you are, empower yourself to enjoy your life according to your free will."

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